“Why aren’t you wearing a mask?”
“I’m exempt. I have this really weird health condition. I need to breathe oxygen.”
Before 2020, the idea that I would one day write an article arguing for the right to breathe was ludicrous.
The authorities must be having a laugh! You’ve got to be kidding!
Remember when Prime Minister Boris Johnson wrote a provocative opinion piece in the Telegraph in 2018 denigrating and ridiculing Muslim women for wearing face coverings? The derogatory comments led to a surge of crimes against people of Muslim faith.
And here we are in the “New Normal” where across the UK, the US and many other countries, the vast majority of people are now wearing what looks like panty liners strapped to their faces or for the stylish, there’s basic black masks or for the fashion-conscious, there’s a variety of colourful fabrics for covering their noses and mouths.
Boris and his chums must be laughing their uncovered heads off at the gullible plebs, crying tears of mirth and holding their well-fed, wobbly bellies, as they sip their whiskeys in private clubs.
In the disturbing TV series, The Handmaid’s Tale, religious fanatics have taken control and created a dystopian society where women are enslaved and raped to produce babies for their barren rulers, who ensure obedience in the young women by forcing them to wear head shields and long crimson dresses and robes. The handmaids are indoctrinated daily about the rules. Rule-breakers are shamed, ostracised and subjected to barbaric punishments. Outspoken rebels have their mouths wired shut.
Such an insane and oppressive dictatorship seemed far-fetched when the chilling series first hit our screens in 2018. Two years later, the tactics of real-life authoritarian governments are spookily similar.
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Public shaming of rule breakers |
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Face coverings and uniforms to enforce conformity |
And so, to the ridiculous business of building a case as to why people should NOT wear masks or what you might accurately call “filthy face rags”.
Masks Are NOT Necessary
Covering your mouth and nose is not necessary to protect you from a virus. If you are healthy and others are healthy, there is no risk of infection. The idea of risk from the “asymptomatic”, that is perfectly healthy people with no symptoms of illness, has been disputed by an extensive study. See this article
Some astute people have suggested that the idea of healthy people endangering others simply by breathing is the biggest scam in history.
Before the Year 2020, all sensible people knew that if they had symptoms of a cold or flu – a sore throat, blocked nose, headache and so on - they would stay home in bed and not go out and cough on people. This simple precaution was something our mothers taught us as children.
Healthy mask-free people are NO THREAT to you! And yet the fear of an insidious virus being spread by healthy people breathing on each other is a fallacy being peddled by the mainstream media. This daily indoctrination has whipped millions of rational people into a state of chronic anxiety that obliterates critical thinking.
Masks Are Ineffective
Even if someone had the dreaded coronavirus alias COVID-19, covering your airways with a flimsy medical mask or piece of fabric would NOT block microscopic virus molecules, as many experts point out.
See this article claiming that Masks Are Neither Effective Nor Safe
Face Masks Are HARMFUL
Not only is mask-wearing unnecessary and ineffective, covering your nose and mouth is harmful to your health. Yes, remember what you learned in school about our most basic survival need – breathing fresh air that contains oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide. The quickest way to die is oxygen deprivation. A pillow held over the face will suffocate a person within minutes.
Countless studies are now showing the effect of oxygen deprivation on the brain, heart and lungs and other organs. Oxygen deprivation is called hypoxia and long-term can lead to hypoxic-ischemic injury to the brain, through killing neurons. The damage is permanent and irreversible.
And there’s the danger of being forced to breathe in your own carbon dioxide and all the bacteria on your filthy face covering, which can lead to lung infections.
The toxic build-up of carbon dioxide in your bloodstream is called hypercapnia, which can eventually lead to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), chronic bronchitis, emphysema and early onset dementia.
Forgive me for stating basic facts we learned in kindergarten, mouths are also necessary to our other survival needs of drinking water and other fluids and eating food. To obstruct our mouths for any extended time is to interfere with basic survival.
Our noses are also necessary for our sense of smell. Experiencing fragrances is one of life's pleasures. How can we stop and smell the roses if our noses are covered?
Our tongues delight us with the sense of taste. How can we enjoy food together with our mouths covered?
UK Employment Lawyer, Anna de Buisseret is adamant that mask-wearing is harmful to health. She writes: “Masks can INCREASE the risk of transmission if not face-fitted and fit-tested for the individual wearer as leakage occurs.
“Masks can INCREASE the risk of secondary bacterial and fungal infections due to incorrect putting on and taking off of the mask, incorrect storage and lack of sterilisation of the contamination collecting on the surfaces of the mask.
“These contaminates are then inhaled: the moisture and humidity of the mask is a perfect breeding ground for bacteria and fungus which multiply in the mask fibres.
“These are then inhaled deeply into the lungs where they multiply further, along with the loose fibres of the mask which collect in the lungs.
“Secondary bacterial lung infections are a major risk factor from inhaling bacteria into the lungs. Secondary bacterial lung infections were the major cause of death in the Spanish Flu. They had cloth mask mandates then too. See a correlation?
“Masks cause multiple organ damage - some of which is irreparable and permanent.
“Masks cause social, cognitive, emotional and psychological harm too.
Have YOU been fully informed of all the harms that wearing a mask causes to YOU?”
So if the physical harm of masks isn't bad enough, they also cause serious psychological harm.
We Need to Communicate
Here’s a Blinding Flash of the Obvious (BFO). We communicate with voices through our mouths by speaking! By covering our mouths, we cannot speak clearly. Our words are muffled, and others find it hard to understand us.
As well as our voices, we communicate and express ourselves with our whole faces. Masked people are unable to use a full range of facial expressions which interferes with human interactions essential to emotional health.
We Need to Bond
Warmth and affection, understanding and empathy and bonding and attachment between parents and children, couples, families, friends, neighbours and acquaintances happen with the full range of communication - hearing each other and watching each other’s faces.
By obstructing this basic exchange, mask-wearing is breaking down human connection.
Faces are Our Identity
Our faces are our unique identity. The act of face covering robs a person of their identity, individuality and personality. Our faces, our beaming smiles and sparkling eyes are beautiful. Do not surrender your identity. Show your beautiful face to the world.
Mask-wearers are becoming dehumanised and objectified; powerless zombies in a faceless crowd shuffling along on the path to subjugation.
Read brilliant writer, Miri Anne’s poignant story, The Last Supper of going to the pub for a fun night out in the New Normal dystopia.
If you are being pressured, threatened or excluded, see Miri Anne’s letter challenging enforced mask-wearing.
This is Abuse
Coercing school students to wear face masks for many hours in the classroom is institutionalised child abuse, interfering with their learning and causing physical and psychological damage.
Parents are justifiably outraged and have a right to fight this perverse and dangerous abuse of their children.
Spiked columnist Joanna Williams writes Masks Have No Place In the Classroom
Creating Irrational Fear of Others
Making people of all ages cover their faces in public is an abusive practice.
People are becoming frightened and distrustful of fellow human beings when their faces are covered. Hiding the face is the first act of the criminal. No wonder people are becoming nervous wrecks surrounded in supermarkets by masked strangers. And they are even more scared of the “selfish” unmasked.
What crazy times we’re living through. Locked Down. Businesses, education and culture destroyed. Imprisoned and isolated in our homes. Only allowed out if muzzled. Why? To protect us from catching the flu.
Compulsory Mask Wearing is Illegal
UK Employment Lawyer, Anna de Buisseret says that enforcing mask-wearing is illegal. She writes: “Both the Government and the supermarkets - and anyone else enforcing mask mandates in the absence of a full Health & Safety Risk assessment in the workplace - are acting unlawfully and can be held PERSONALLY liable for the damage caused to the individual.
“The Equality Act 2010 does not permit anyone to discriminate against a disabled person on the grounds of their disability.
Refusing entry to a shop or access to public services to a disabled person is prima facie disability discrimination. No evidence can be lawfully demanded. It’s a breach of both the right to privacy and the Equality Act 2010 to ask for medical evidence in this manner.”
Claim Your Right to Go Mask-free
And if you want to claim an exemption, go to the UK government website. Your legal right to breathe is stated clearly, “hidden in plain sight”.
If covering your mouth and nose causes distress or harm you are exempt. And you do NOT have to show any medical proof or official permission.
Just state: “I am exempt”.
Why Are Governments Enforcing Harmful Practices?
What are the real reasons the authorities in the UK and around the world are enforcing such a harmful practice as mask-wearing along with invasive, dangerous nasal testing, obsessive-compulsive hand washing with toxic liquid and making people keep their paranoid distance from others and denying families and friends their basic emotional needs to visiting each other, hugging each other and affectionate contact? Good questions.
The longer this absurdity continues, and the more governments succeed in normalising mask-wearing, normalising social isolation and normalising shutting down the economy and destroying millions of jobs, businesses and livelihoods, education, cultural life and mental health, the more people will submit to the totally unacceptable and believe the totally unbelievable.
Maybe governments are trying to break us down by enforcing conformity to bizarre rules? Maybe they want a compliant populace to control? If we accept covering our faces, risking oxygen deprivation and loss of communication and identity, maybe we will also eagerly roll up our sleeves?
And yes, by March 2021, the UK government’s year-long grooming process has worked. Millions of trusting citizens up and down the country are now being injected with a high-risk substance to overcome media-generated mass anxiety and win back stolen freedoms.
However, the lethal dangers of a flu virus and the loss of your rights are illusions dispelled by the simple words: “No, I do not consent.” Be informed and make an informed choice about what toxic cocktails you agree to being injected into your body.
Saying NO is fearless, bare-faced empowerment.
Stand Up. Speak Out. Take Action.
Claim your right to stay human. Claim your rights to work, love, health choices and freedom.
Brilliantly put Diane
ReplyDeleteThis world is becoming a dictatorship all those lads and lasses who fought in 1940 fought against the world's worst dictator Hitler to give us our freedom now we have leaders who want to control us the world is a better place having our freedom but world leaders are secretly in this together along with slime like Bill Gates and Elon musk who are secretly devising new ways to control all of us don't be fooled by all this bullshit about covid deaths they are putting most deaths down as covid and falsifying figures you people of Britain must stand up together and fight for our freedom before it's too late otherwise this will go on for ever isn't it strange that only a few people have died of flu this last 12 months yet any other year its 50000 plus yes I know it's time to wake up all you people and finally end this farce our lives are short enough let's act now and get back to normal and being happy again come on people of Britain long live freedom and happiness God bless you all