Thursday, April 2, 2020

I’m Not Scared. I’m Angry

A friend of mine is accusing me of being fear-stricken and suddenly obsessed with conspiracy theories. He’s worried I’m losing my mind.

But I’m not scared for myself – about my health or finances. I’m in a relatively secure situation.

I’m angry – freaking furious – on behalf of everyone else. I’m angry about the impact this bizarre Global Lockdown is having on millions of people, our human rights, the future of the economy and our precious planet.

I’m angry because…

Millions of people’s jobs and businesses are being destroyed and they’re facing financial ruin. Just one heart-breaking example is the plant growers across the UK are being forced to destroy £200 million worth of beautiful spring plants due to the closure of garden centres;

Millions of kids are being stopped from going to school and university, disrupting their studies and exams, ambitions and dreams;

The UK parliament has just passed legislation to restrict our civil liberties and human rights. Today I witnessed police officers admonish an elderly couple sitting peacefully on a park bench. Their ‘crime’ was sitting together in the sunshine, as only exercise is permitted under the new laws!

All sorts of harmful legislation is being pushed through parliament while the whole population is under House Arrest, including the destruction of ancient woodlands for the building of the new High Speed Rail Network (HS2), despite mass protests from concerned residents and environmentalists.

All cultural life is being destroyed; the right to travel, the enjoyment of cafes, restaurants, pubs, shops, public venues, musical shows, festivals (such as Glastonbury and Edinburgh and countless others), exciting sporting events (such as the much-loved Wimbledon tennis), social gatherings of families and friends. Special once-in-a-lifetime celebrations, such as weddings and births, have been ruined by dictatorial governments all around the world;

The Tokyo Olympics have been cancelled, after years of training by elite athletes;

The gala event celebrating the wonderful life of Sir David Attenborough, to be held on April 16 at the Royal Albert Hall and streamed to cinemas around the country has been cancelled;

The good work of countless charities and environmental campaigns has been suspended and damaged by the Lockdown;

GP visits and hospital treatments for people with serious medical needs, such as cancer, are being postponed because of the Virus Panic;  

The fear of catching or spreading a Virus has created a new world order of “social distancing” causing suspicion and distrust of our fellow human beings;

Forced isolation and imminent poverty through a global recession will have a devastating impact on millions of fragile and vulnerable people;

That the mainstream media and legions of dutiful experts are spouting the official propaganda about the Coronavirus Pandemic (when 500,000 people die of the Flu every year without even being reported);

That the vast majority of the world’s population are believing the story about the enormity of the danger of the Virus, are terrified and complying with the Global Lockdown and willingly surrendering their rights.

I’m angry that more people aren’t angry.

I’m angry that this Conservative Government under Boris, who just a few months ago was widely considered a devious, power-hungry buffoon, is now being trusted and revered as a national hero, is SPOILING OUR LIVES.

We should be celebrating the arrival of spring with the blooming of cheerful daffodils and carpets of bluebells in the English woodlands, with fun and laughter and joyful activity in our beautiful parks as everyone emerges from the gloom of winter. 

This inescapable, intrusive Tory Government spoiled our lives for three years during the Brexit fiasco. Then they spoiled the festive fun of Christmas with a vicious December election and party broadcasts ad nauseam.

And just as life is getting back to normal at the start of a promising new decade; just when we thought we could tune out the noise of this awful government, they lock us up and shut down the entire economy.

We all just want to get on with our lives. We are longing for normality. We want to live in peace, caring for our families, minding our own business, as law-abiding citizens, without government interference. 

When voters handed power to Boris and his mob, we imagined the government would get on with their job of managing the country in our best interests. We didn't imagine them controlling our lives.   

Something has gone horribly wrong. I’m not scared. I’m angry. 

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